Jan 23, 2013

Easy-Peasy Tips to Become a Better Writer Online

Despite the fact that I've been writing online for more than 2 years now, I have never considered myself as a better writer the way I was before. Even though there are major improvements in my writing style, I know there is still a lot to do. However, based on my experiences I realized that in order to write better, you need to write more. But, to write more, you need to have a better grasp and understanding of what you are doing.

Here are some tips to become an online writer:

Read more

How can you write well if you only follow your own style? You won't be a better writer unless you accept the fact that there is someone better than you and you should follow it. Read books, novels, or articles of reputable writers and read it at all times. You'll not only improve your writing skills but you'll also broaden your vocabulary. If you continue on reading, their skills in writing might even show up in your own.


Writing without research, unless you know what you are talking about looks bland, and often results into poor content with a lot of weak spots readers can easily distinguish. As a writer, you have to very knowledgeable about your subject. The more informative your article is, the more it has value to the readrs. With enough research, you'll know what to write; therefore, easily convince readers about your subject.

Be yourself

"Voice" happens when writers let their personality shine in their writing. Writing with your own voice is more engaging to read and it lets your readers know that you are a real human being.

Address to one person

Usually when we write, we think that thousands of people will read our content so we address our content to a broad number of readers. When you try to include everybody in your content, you'll just make them bored, not intrested in your topic. When writing, think of it like you are talking to a person in front of you. What are the things you'll say that will make him interested in your topic? How will you pace your content so that every headline is interesting?

Make it easy to read

Too many complicated words make your content more reader-unfriendly. It doesn't make you look professional either. Make it to a point that when you write, it's so simple as if you are talking to your close friends and family members. When you read your article, it just makes sense that anyone, at any age or reading level can understand what you are talking about.

Spend a lot of time writing and keep in mind these tips. Don't forget to always proofread your post as one wrong move can ruin your credibility as a writer.


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