Jul 5, 2011

What it Feels Like Being A Freelancer

Like what I said before, freelancers online have many advantages in contrast to working in 9-5 company in your location. But my testimonial about freelancing isn't that testified enough. Here I listed what freelancing usually feels like:

The Working Environment
You wake up in the morning open your computer then start working. Do you know what is missing? The time it takes for you to go to your work, the travel times that you should have gained money in, and the unnecessary deduction just because you are late. You control your time so it doesn't matter how early you will start or how late you want the work to end. Most clients do not set schedules they just want you to produce results.

The Distractions
This is common in work at home jobs. To solve this:

  • Tell your family and neighbors that you are working at home and earning money from it. In that way, they will respect what you do.
  • Tell your friends, relatives, and schoolmates(if any) that even though you are working at home, they cannot just barge into your place anytime they want. Do not take errands either.
  • Empty rooms can be become your office. If you have a fixed place to work on, they will respect your place and you won't get distracted often.
  • Converge with fellow freelancers and rent a room. It's less distracting because all are focused to work.

The Budget

Freelancers start with zero earnings. The hard part is how will you be able to survive on your first month. The best part is your pay. Imagine having to work at the comfort of your home on your own personal time and having more salary compared to working on a 9-5 job. But compared to a company, you yourself have to deduct your payments for:

tax (yes freelancers pay taxes too)
Tax paying is a law, you might get caught for tax evasion. And besides when you want to buy a house, a proof that you are paying tax is required unless you are to pay a house in full.

Social Security, insurance, and other employer benefits
Start early to reap the benefits when you retire.

The Holidays
Freelancers don't have holidays but they can set their own day off. We do need a rest sometimes but we must make sure that our clients know that we need a day off specially when you will be out for a week or two.

The Advantage
  1. Set your own rate.
  2. Clients are around the world.
  3. Multitasking means multiple earnings, accept projects as many as you can.
  4. Freelancers are exposed to other income opportunities.

comics are from: http://www.webdesignerdepot.com/2011/01/comics-of-the-week-59/


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