Jun 23, 2011

5 Tips To Land a Freelance Job and Where to Look For It

Let's face it, the hardest part in earning the job that you are aiming for is during the application process. This is also true when applying for a job online. They say that if you are a freelancer, clients look for your service. But what if you are just beginning your freelancing career? My advise, treat it as a job first then make it your business once you have earned your reputation. And with that, here are the ways on how you can easily land a job online.


1. Know Your Skills

Professionals know exactly what their skills are particularly on those that focuses on a certain field like for example a web designer. People without any professional skills need not to worry because there are skills that are often overlooked but are in demand in the online industry. Do you know how to write a blog, create articles, and expresses yourself in English well? Then you can be a writer.
Do you know how to use a spreadsheet and other office applications? Then you can be a data entry. If you know how to edit pictures, create logos,designs, draws graphic arts then now is the time for you to shift your work online because there is a great market for you here.

Other Skills Required:
  • Knows any office applications
  • Can type fast (40 wpm and above)
  • Can speak, write, and understand English

2. Build your Profile

What is your name? Where are you from? What have you attained? Do you have awards or certificates?
Be sure that the information you are giving are all accurate. Think of it as a way to display yourself to clients. Put pictures and make sure they look decent and professional. Think of it as applying for a job, the only difference is that it is online.
One more thing to look into is your hourly rate if your client asks for one. Your hourly rate is based on your own assessment. Are you confident that you are skilled? Do you have proofs that prove that? Then you have the right to have a higher hourly rate. Are you just a beginner but you know some skills? Then your hourly rate must be lower than those that are skilled.


3. Create a Portfolio 

What can be your portfolio?
  • graphic arts, edited pictures, created logos, created banners, etc.
  • animation, short film, video blog.
  • created thesis, articles, blog, poems, lyrics
  • a recorded voice
  • A collection of softwares you created, web design templates.
And anything that can prove your skill can be your portfolio. Make sure that what you put in your portfolio are your all your own.

 4. Create A Good Cover Letter

How can you convince your client to hire you when you are not talking to them face to face? Make a professional looking cover letter. Cover letters must be in a business letter format, it must not contain any wrong spelling or grammar. A good cover letter contains:
  • A professional greeting.
  • The point of this letter - why you write, what are your skills, work experience(if any).
  • Mention the skills required and prove your skills.
  • Close the sale - tell your available time, how many hours you can work, and some closing remarks.

Some clients may ask for instructions like some words you have to add in your letter or other specific request. This is designed to eliminate the "copy&paste" approach of some applicants. Be sure to read their job descriptions well.

Reread, reedit and reconsider your cover letter before submitting because once its submitted, you can never get it back.

5. Be Persistent and Determined

Success can happen in an instant but sometimes it tests you. When you got rejected the first time, don't give up. There are a lot of opportunities online and there will come a time that you'll find your client. Just don't lose hope.

To minimize the chance of failure, below are the websites I suggest you look for projects:


Guaranteed Payment

Clients must confirm if they can make payments or not. There are indicators on job postings if the client is verified for payment or not.

Two types of Jobs:

  • Hourly - get paid for every hours worked, work times are logged and screen shots are taken at random intervals.
  • Fixed Price- get paid for every project agreed on.

Millions and millions of clients flock on these websites to look for professionals.


In oDesk:
Most jobs are easy but contractors are cheap. You can get very easy jobs like deleting a client's Facebook friends, do some negotiations, or type captchas but their price can go from $0.50 to $95 per hour. The lowest offered to me before was $0.15 per hour yet I accepted it because it was my first time and my goal that time was to become an earn experience and reputation.

In Elance:
Contractors pay a reasonable price for every project but the jobs are hard, perfect for professionals. The lowest price offered is $1-$5 per hour.

But both are great websites with organized systems. You can pick just one or you can pick both. The more jobs, the better.

Now what will it be? oDesk or Elance? or Both?

Your Choice:


  1. Thank you for sharing such useful information with us. I hope you will share more info about how to be successful freelancer.

    Hire a freelancer


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